
You have come to the right place to reward yourself with a great massage! My goal is to provide you with therapeutic relief from sore, overworked, and strained muscles, assist with injury recovery, or relax with Full Body Swedish massage. Now located within Equest Farm [aka City Park Stables] in New Orleans to offer the best in therapeutic care. I am always happy to work under guidance from your personal doctor if you have a specific need ranging from chronic stiffness or pain to all levels of stress relief. Many massages can be performed over exercise clothing, gym shorts & tee shirt, etc. but remember the most benefit comes from contact directly to skin so come with clothing of your choice to allow skin to be worked directly. Of course, we always have table with clean sheets and light blanket for the best in comfort while providing traditional Swedish and Full body massage. Always your choice!  

Appointments can be made to fit your schedule before work, after work, or weekends. 

Call or TEXT to Carrie at 859-327-9001 to schedule your appointment today! At this time, online scheduling is not available. This allows for communication to discuss your needs ahead of meeting for the first session.

Massage techniques are a broad variety of strokes, pressure, and specialized education to benefit general wellness. Senior getting stiff? Trouble getting up to walk? Massage can help! Weekend warrior sore on Monday morning? Massage can help! Sore neck and shoulders from sitting at the desk all day? Massage can help! Please call to see how massage can assist you with your daily activities. A variety of additional therapies are available including deep heat, pulsed magnetic therapy, LACER infrared light to stimulate heat, Ice packs, vibration, and more. 

Massage is a great companion to chiropractic care and acupuncture. Realizing that massage benefits are cumulative, discount packages are available for multiple visits. Together, we can design a program to fit your needs and enhance your active lifestyle.

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